Jenny's AR Follow Up

Dear peers and tutors,

This is my tool to register the main aspects of my Action Research project. It will also include the Data collection tools and the artifacts that I will use for the implementation. Any suggestions to improve my research process will be happily expected to my email address


Reflection Stage Part 2

August 19th 

I will formally start the implementation. For the purpose, the first learning guide will allow Sts write and send Jenny a postcard about their hometown.

(2 hours)
4. Learning guide No. 1:  
My hometown.

Teach Sts how to write an introduction mail to a keypal. They will tell Jennifer about life in their hometown. Show Sts the importance of adjectives in the descriptive paragraphs to provide detailed information.

Most Sts brought their learning guides and dictionaries. Since they are from very many different towns in and out of the department, they are very stimulated to write their email. They are not completely aware it is for another person but they llok enthusiastic to write about themselves and the habits in their towns. They have also seen that they have many things to share with their peers. I need to give them room to write about he issues specified and they are concerned aboutthe appropriate vocabulary and grammar. About this, they are aware they have to use the verb To be and the word people so they are practicing both is and are. I see that, to help them avoid mistakes, the use of PN demands them to reinforce the grammar structures by having them repeating the same structures to say a variety of things:
  • In Charala people are very hardworking 
  • Weather is nice and sunny here. 
Many sts permanently ask for connecting words apart from 'and or but', but are not aware of their role in developing cohesion, in this case to express contrats and addition.

Students outcomes have been collected to revise and provide feedback tomorrow. Advances were little in this session. In fact, most of them just completed the introductory paragraph.

August 20th 
I could have their tasks ready and Sts checked them today. They were surprised that I did not do too many corrections but they said they thought there were many more mistakes. Of course, many things are not still appropriate but they do not belong to their current writing level, so I concentrated on verb To be, personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and qualificative adjectives. Sts seem not to completely understand the list of conventions for writing so in the class they are completing their compositions but they are working cooperatively, monitoring and providing peer correction.

When L checks her feedback she says 'qué tooonta' cómo sigo haciendo ésto? Miss, por qué vuelve y me pasa ésto si yo sé?

I observe the reactions of her peers and evidently their faces show several feelings that express their own slef evaluation about their initial results: Lo, is happy, she seems pleased with her task. JF comes and complains, 'profe, pero cómo, si yo lo hice todo bien?'. W hits hios head with his right hand palm. He is not satisfied buy he realizes also that his mistake is about something he already knows. A even doesn't take time to check his task, I do not know if he is satisified or regardless. S is very unsatisfied. ML and K are checking theirs together and doing peer correction, asking each other about their mistakes. They are comparing it with the conventions and ask me about the meaning of 'WV'. K wrote one 'In Cali have  varied climates'. L explains her that she must use 'there be'.

With JF, L and A my time disappears quickly. Especially JF is not pleased anyway. He wants to  get more but with not much effort. L is very risky and likes challenges a lot but she needs being reasured. And A gets easily distracted, I cannot help the others at the same time.

Before the class ends I will pick up all their final drafts.

August 30th 

Take a look at these glogsters Sts presented as the final layout of their descriptove paragraphs. Of course, they have the layout of a very visual poster but the texts are inside and I copied them in the formats.