Jenny's AR Follow Up

Dear peers and tutors,

This is my tool to register the main aspects of my Action Research project. It will also include the Data collection tools and the artifacts that I will use for the implementation. Any suggestions to improve my research process will be happily expected to my email address


References List


·    Bloom B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc.
·    Brown, Douglas (1994) Teaching by Principles. Prentice Hall Regents.
·    Brown, Douglas (2007). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Pearson Education.
·    Burns, Ann (1999) Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers. Cambridge Language Teaching Library. Cambridge University Press.
·    Cook, Guy (1992). Discourse. Oxford University Press.
·    Cornforn. Ian R. “Cognitive And Metacognitive Strategies As A Basis For Long Life Learning: How Far We Have Progressed”. University Of Sydney: Faculty Of Education.
·    Cushing, Weigle, Sara (2002) Assessing Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
·    Chamot et al (1999) The learning Strategies Handbook. Longman.
·    Dave, R. H. (1975). Developing and Writing Behavioural Objectives. (R J Armstrong, ed.) Educational Innovators
·    Gardner, Howard (1993) Estructuras de la mente: La teoría de las inteligencias múltiples. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica
·    Harmer, Jeremy (1998) How to teach English. An Introduction to the Practice of ELT. Longman.
·    Harmer, Jeremy (2007). The practice of ELT. Pearson-Longman.
·    Hellermann J. And Cole. E. “Practices for Social Interaction in the Language-Learning Classroom: Disengagements from Dyadic Task Interaction Applied Linguistics”, (June 1, 2009); 30(2): 186 - 215.
·    Hyland, K. (2003). Second Language Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Language Education). Series Editor Jack Richards.
·    Kroll, B. (2003). Exploring the Dynamics of Second Language Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
·    Lindsay, Cora & Knight, Paul. (2006). Learning and Teaching English: A course for teachers. Great Clarendon Street, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
·    O’Malley J. Michael and Chamot, Anna Ulh (1990) Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge Applied Linguistics: Cambridge University Press.
·    Oxford, Rebecca L. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
·    Penny Ur (2007) A course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory. Cambridge Teacher Training and development.
·    Pohl, Michael. (2000). Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn: Models and Strategies to Develop a Classroom Culture of Thinking. Cheltenham, Vic.: Hawker Brownlow.
·    Richards C. Jack and Rodgers Theodore (1986). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge Language Teaching library. Cambridge University Press.
·    Rodriguez-Farrar, Hannelore B. 1997. The Teaching Portfolio: A Handbook for Faculty, Teaching Asistants and Teaching Fellows. Providence, RI: Brown University Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning. (20pp.)
·    Sagor, Richard (2005) The Action Research Guide Book: A four-Step Process for Educators and School Teams. USA, Corwin Press.
·    Silva, T. &  Matsuda, P. (2001). On second Language Writing. Mahwah, NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. , Publishers.
·    Wallace J, Michael (1998). Action Research for Language Teachers. Cambridge teacher training and development. Cambridge University Press.
·    Wolfe-Quintero, Inagaki & Kim. (1998). Second Language Development in Writing: Measures of Fluency. Accuracy & Complexity. University of Hawaii Press, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center.